• 12 сентября 2013, четверг
  • Москва, Нежинская улица, 7

International Youth Conference: Russia through the eyes of foreigners

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Другие события организатора

4143 дня назад
12 сентября 2013 c 15:00 до 20:00
Нежинская улица, 7

… 6 weeks … 24 volunteers … 13 nationalities … 1 city

Our story in Russia began 6 weeks ago… We are a group of 24 volunteers from 13 different countries taking part in Global Community Development Program in Moscow ‘Explore Russia’ organized by AIESEC.
Our mission of the project is to show Real Russia to Russians and to Internationals.

We are pleased to invite you to attend the International Youth Conference!

First part ‘Modern Russia through the Eyes of Foreigners’ is devoted to the experiences that foreigners can get during their stay in Russia.

Second part is devoted to 3 Roundtables:
- The Future Face of Moscow 
- The Future of Volunteering in Moscow 
- The Future of Education and Employment in Russia

The Conference will be conducted in English. Registration is required. Admission is free.

Localization: university Moscow State University for Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI), lecture hall №210, Nezhinskaya street, 7. m. Slavyanski Bulvar 

You can reach the University from the metro station by bus № 641 (till the bus stop that is calls "Nezhinskaya ulitsa") or by city shuttle ("marshrootka") with inscription on the fron window "МЭСИ" (to to reach this shuttle take the last coach of the train moving from the center of the city, turn to the right after turnstile, then go straight ahead to reach the underground passage, after the passage cross the street where is a traffic light — there will be a shuttle stop)

Start: 12 September 3 pm (registration of participants starts since 2:30 pm)
The end: 12 September 8 pm

Event on G+ https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/11645...



In the registration form below please fill in the field "Адрес электронной почты","Фамилия" with your surname, "Имя" with your name


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